At Salmestone Primary we believe the arts are a fundamental part of a rich curriculum and intend to carry on giving children quality experiences in and out of the classroom impacting greatly upon the standards of attainment achieved and helping children to
develop as confident, articulate, resilient young people. The arts provide children with the opportunities to develop their creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and other important life skills, by allowing them to express themselves in a variety of ways and giving all children their chance to shine.
We are investing in ensuring all children are exposed to a rich and varied range of art experiences as we feel that this is vital to the well-being of our pupils. Music provides our children with a variety of engaging and exciting opportunities that enable them to
develop positively in their learning, both academically as well as socially, emotionally and culturally. We aim to ensure all children are resilient, take risks, learn from mistakes and develop passions that they will take with them into adulthood. It is our intention to
continue providing the high quality of music provision through Kapow and that our children enjoy and endeavour to make an impact on all children’s learning throughout the curriculum via music.
By using Kapow we can ensure high quality teaching and progression is consistent across the school.
We intend to celebrate our long-term commitment to cultural education with pupils, parents and the local community.